Excuse my profanity but there is no better way to explain it! How in the world does all this crap fit inside of my apartment??
Any who... I committing to a complete Home detox. It's time I orgainize what is now my older adult life!! You should join me! It's quite liberating! Throwing out that cute dress that I haven't donned since I was 21 never felt so good. Goodwill should give me some kind of award for all the goodies I'll be dropping on their doorstep! Think I'm exaggerating? See for yourself!!!
3/4 is for Goodwill and the rest is for Consignment!
Now... Let's get started :O)
Rule #1. Stay Focused on the Task at Hand!
The hardest part was deciding where to start and staying focused. I'd start in one room, move something to another room, see something in that room that I want to fix, and the cycle continues until the entire house is in complete disarray! I'm driving my poor husband crazy!!!
I'd suggest starting with the smallest room. Your closet. Pull EVERYTHING out. Yes. EVERYTHING. I tossed it all on my bed and designated 5 piles. 1 for keep. 2 for think about it. 3 for consignment. 4 for Goodwill. And 5 for toss (have a big trash bag ready!).
Go through it ALL even if you always wear it. Try it on. Inspect it for damage. Will a little TLC bring it back to life? Is it still as cute as it was when you bought it? Is it still in style? Consider all these things before keeping it.
Now go through your maybe pile. Give each piece a second or third look and toss it into the necessary pile. Donate the older but still intact items to goodwill and toss the rest (or make yourself some handy dandy rags).
Why not take everything that doesn't fit and is still cute to platoes or your local consignment shop and get some cash to add to your soon to be newly roomy closet! Return all the keeps back to your closet.
Now that you can actually see in there let's spruce it up a bit. If your closet feels more like a stylish dressing room, you'll be more likely to keep it organized! If you have wall space add a piece of art or a floor mirror. Even throw in a cute rug! Add some sassy storage boxes or baskets to hide the small stuff like your scarves, hats, and belts. Find an attractive little shelf to keep all of your shoes on and update your boring light fixture. If you really want to get ambitious, why not add some snazzy wallpaper! Now stand back and enjoy the refreshingly organized view! But don't swoon to long... We're tackling the storage room next! Stay tuned.